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Would you like the sword+1 or the sword+1 |
Hmmm…according to the mage in your party it has a strong
transmutation enchantment. The blade is anvil forged and crafted from fine
(maybe rare) alloys. The handle is wire wrapped and the cross guard and pommel
have strange runes on them. Surely this obviously magic sword must be AT LEAST
WRONG. That sword you have unearthed is actually a sword+0! This
very rare weapon enchants itself when it deals a successful hit against
anything magical. This could be a creature, obstacle or a static spell. The
sword gains a cumulative +1 for every five levels of the target. This requires
DM adjudication based on the rules and game system being used. The sword +0
always counts as a magic weapon for determining a hit and damage even before it
steals any pluses. Any pluses stolen are temporary and last only 24 hours.
Go ahead…brag about your sword +0 because it sure is better
than that sword+1 you just found.