I always like to look back through the metrics on my blog to see what people are clicking on. This is especially true since I generally blog whenever I have a light bulb moment. That leads to a variety of topics spanning the universe of table-top gaming. My goal is to try and be as substantive as possible and never post just for the sake of doing so. Ultanya.com had an enormous amount of traffic last year and that definitely inspires me to keep creating content for it.
Interestingly there are a handful of posts from 2014 which see daily traffic still. But my focus today is to look back at what posts made in 2015 were the most popular. The following are listed because they all exceeded one thousand clicks, with some in the tens of thousands:
So what does this tell me about my readers? Well for one it seems there is a strong desire to mix nostalgic old school with new school. Additionally people love gonzo material and crave reviews of new RPG products to help guide their purchasing decisions. Also new gamers or those curious about RPGs want to read about others experiences before taking the plunge. Gamers also want to know more about the history of RPGs and appreciate posts about their creators. Apparently zombies are still going strong and have not yet eaten reader brains. Finally, the Game Tavern and the zine with its namesake are something people want more of.
Now granted, this is all my anecdotal read of what anonymous clicks on the internet mean. That being said, my little mining of this data will help to formulate posts for 2016. So Happy New year and I look forward to sharing more big ideas and gaming outside the box with you!